Initially conceived in 2007, Alliance launched as a coalition of South Loop community organizations, institutions, and local environmental organizations, each to contribute resources (volunteers, funding, expertise, communication support), as projects needed.
The concept was endorsed at the launch meeting by founding members: Center for Neighborhood Technology, Columbia College Chicago, Dearborn Park Advisory Council, Grant Park Advisory Council, Greater South Loop Association, Near South Planning Board, Prairie District Neighborhood Alliance, South Loop Dog P.A.C., South Loop Neighbors, South Loop Referral Group, 2nd Ward Office, Whole Foods Market
Input from community members shape the projects that we undertake, from concept to implementation. Volunteers have been the life-blood of all our efforts. Thanks, Volunteers!
NOTE: Our website is under construction. Please take a look to see how it is developing. If you are looking for something in particular, or if you have a question about the Alliance for a Greener South Loop, please send an email to [email protected]